WRN’s objectives (amongst others)
To function as an integral part of the framework of a Green Economy as prescribed by the Government and international agencies.
To advance sustainable game production and utilisation of game as a viable, economic activity. Utilisation includes hunting, breeding of game (production), meat production, eco-tourism and wildlife for both local and international markets.
To act as the national representative organisation of the wildlife ranching industry in NAMIBIA and to promote, serve and protect its interests.
To facilitate the development of a NAMIBIAN brand name for the production and marketing of game meat (venison), in order to ensure its economic sustainability through local and international markets and points of sale.
To maintain a Code of Conduct for members.
To operate as the only national liaison body and negotiator between the organised wildlife industry, government and other stakeholders.
To support the establishment of emerging previously disadvantaged wildlife ranchers and to actively co-operate with economically sustainable initiatives.
To promote research, knowledge and technological development with regard to natural flora and game as well as the management thereof, in order to promote the economic utilisation of game production.
To provide guidance and counselling in game production and utilisation, to discuss related matters with the members and given their mandate, formulate decisions and to take the necessary actions to implement such decisions, with specific reference to government policies and administration.
To thoroughly investigate any matter concerning game production and to collate, process and distribute accurate information that may be appropriate to game producers.
To facilitate the acceptance of effective and healthy game production methods.
To educate the consumer through guidance, joint advertising campaigns or any other methods, in order to create a larger market for the utilisation of wildlife.
To utilise the legal system in order to protect and advance the rights and interests of its members.
To associate with other stakeholder groups/organisations in a manner as determined by the Council.
To organise and host international or local meetings, seminars, open days or conferences to present papers/dissertations on the wildlife industry, discuss subjects pertaining to the wildlife industry and make recommendations regarding matters that require joint actions.
To facilitate the promotion of sound labour practices and occupational health and safety in the wildlife industry.
You can download our Constitution and our Code of Conduct.